
In love

Yesterday, I realised that I was in love, but not just in love, so deeply in love and I haven't made a wrong decision. I'm talking about light and lighting design.
I still don't know if I am a lighting designer, although I think I am, but I've got trouble with titles and names (such as architect, I got my degree in which says I am an architect in 2008 and I still can't even sign my mail as Arch. Orquidea Vara and it's 2011!)
The point is I am totally into light, and I haven't really realised it, until lately.
The first clue was like a month ago when I saw several lighting fixtures in some catalogues and I found them  so pretty... and I have never thoguht that of any lighting fixture... a luminaire or two... maybe... I was totally in love with Double bouble by Eero Arnio, and found others quite nice and funny, such as the Pixar lamp, but I never just felt a lighting fixture such as the ones you could find at stores could be so beautiful, until some months ago... looking at a catalogue.
The second clue was looking for the lighting design in every single place I go, and movies I see. Before, I used to see the story, after studying photography I usually saw the photography and composition, and now I find myself looking for the lighting design of places in the movie, or the luminaires or similar stuff.
The third clue was looking for a nicely designed restaurant for trying something new. I look for great lighting in order to have great food.
And the last clue... I realised i could spend a whole day looking at the daylight variations reflected in a celing, through a courtain or blinds, just noticing the movements and color changes. Well... maybe not a whole day, but a big amount of time... yes.
So... I might not be able to understand all technical stuff or everything I read on JimonLight.com, but I know I'm in love with light I want to continue on this pad.

hugs and kisses!!!
Enjoy the spring!!!